Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Second Street to the Right and Straight on to...The Voyage of the Little Mermaid

Helllllo darlings! I have had one heck of a week! Most of it has been lovely, some other parts have Well first, I finished my training on Sunday--I'm official! Woo! Except, my final training was at Oscars, which is the stroller rental part of Hollywood Studios...let's just say, it's not my favorite thing. Then Monday I had my first shift after training on the cash registers--that went rather smooth, and then Tuesday I had my first vending shift.

I love vending!

It was positively magical. Most people would be like "But Shayna, you're outside in the Florida sun for vending?" and they would be right. However, yesterday it was cooler and cloudy, so it wasn't hot and miserable, but even if it was I would have had fun. I got to dance in the bubbles with a bunch of kids, spray people with water, and talk with a lot of guests. In one particular instance, I had 3 little kids come up to me because they wanted to play with the bubbles. There were 2 little girls, and 1 little boy--I only remember the name of one of the girls, Maddie. But she was a delight. She was dancing in the bubbles, and laughing, and being so sweet. She asked me my name and told me she wanted to see me again. 
Now, it's no surprise to most people when I befriend small children because they tend to like me. But I had so many experiences that day where little kids got out of their strollers, or let down from their parents arms, so they could run and play and try to pop the bubbles that I was making. Parents would take pictures of their kids playing in them, and I am sure they came out just precious. 

One super exciting thing that came out of my vending, was I was featured, unknowingly, on DizColors Instagram page. I didn't even know that was a thing, but a friend of mine follows them (actually a few friends do) and she tagged me and goes, "Shayna is this you?!" and it was absolutely me! Being featured on an instagram page is of course no big deal, but it was part of a magical memory for me! I had so much fun vending. 

Today was a stock shift, and it was so boring, but I got off at 7:30 and then I was able to go out to the parks! Part of my job is telling people where to find the attractions they want, and a lot of people want to know where the Voyage of the Little Mermaid attraction is, which is in Animation Courtyard. So I, being the insane little mermaid fan that I am, decided to go see it when I got off work. I don't know how many times I can say "disappointing" before it gets depressing, but it really was disappointing. It was my understanding that it was supposed to be a live-action show of The Little Mermaid, but it was super condensed and also heavily relied on the animation film...I mean...I don't know what I expected but it certainly wasn't what I got. Although, it did have some pretty cool effects so I'm sure if I was younger I'd have liked it better. 

Afterwards, I went to take my picture in front of Cinderella's Coach--it was so gorgeous. Not me, I mean the coach. LOL. Sometimes I get sad that I'm doing a lot of this experience stuff alone, but then I realize that it is better that way. Sure, I don't have anyone to be excited with me, but I don't have to worry about what anyone else wants to do. I can just go and do what I want to do and the only person I have to worry about is me--which means, what I want to do is what I'm doing :) 

I finally have my sign-book and pen--tomorrow I start getting autographs: I'm starting in Hollywood Studios because I need Hiro and Baymax before they take them away from me. But I'm definitely starting tomorrow! 

I'll let you know how it goes--have a magical night dearies <3


  1. Not just the coach Shayna! ;)

    So... I'm a wee bit curious. I know you're a huge fan of a certain boy wizard... Will there be any reports of visits to another park sometime?

    1. Stay tuned, Chuck :) I bet there just might be.

  2. I am so proud of you!!! God chose the perfect girl for this opportunity!! God is so good:)

  3. I think my comment got eaten...

    I'm so sorry you were disappointed in the LM show. It's one of my favorites. Try the B&tB show next!

    I can't wait to see you in October!
