How many times can a girl say that she love love love love love love LOVES Disney? Because I'm probably going to say that a million more times both in this blog post and for the duration of my CP. So today was an exceptionally exciting day for me. I got to go to....DOWNTOWN DISNEY (which will soon be called Disney Springs). All of the things I saw was absolutely amazing. I had literal tears so often as I walked around this store:
I died. Not literally because I am obviously still alive to tell you about how I died, but figuratively and emotionally I am drained. This is the father of all Disney stores. The mother of all Disney stores. The GODFATHER of ALL DISNEY STORES. It was and is so beautiful. Meet the newest member of my family, and the only member I now have with me at Disney:
You know what else I witnessed? Pin trading. I know that I'm super obsessed with Disney, and I always have been, but when you have never been to Disney World, there are things you are not privy to know or experience. I never got to go to the Bippity Boppity Boo Boutique to become a princess, I never met the princesses when I was little, and I never knew about pins or pin trading. But I saw it and I know it will be another thing I'm absolutely obsessed with. You should see my new pins (they're pretty awesome if I do say so myself, & I do).
We (as in most of my roommates and myself) went to The Boathouse for dinner and it was delicious. I had a Yacht Club sandwich and it was HUGE; I brought home leftovers. Then my roommates got margs while I was in World of Disney, and I went into Tren-D and fell in love with that store too. I'm in serious trouble, or at least my bank account will be. I'm not sure I'll be able to resist the temptation. I got a candy apple from the Candy Caldron and it is sitting on my kitchen counter because it looks just phenomenal.
I know, I know--awesome! I really want to eat the candy apple, but I also just want to stare at it because it just is adorable and looks delicious. I'm a big fan of caramel apples so I'm excited for a candied one! I have to say, after being here for only 2 days, I'm just overly happy. Like, I know that this place is where I belong and I'm among others who love what I love and that is important. My roommates are all pretty chill girls and I really like them so far. I spent the beginning of my day by the pool with one roommate, and my evening with the rest, and now we are all chilling in the living room, drinking some wine or Palm Breezes, or if you are me, water, while we chat and watch The Lion King. I can already tell that this group of ladies will be fun and a part of my life for a long time. Friends that Disney together stay together. :)
Welp, that is it for this evening--I'm going to sip on my water and say all of the words to The Lion King while annoying my roommates. Talk to y'all tomorrow!
Confession time: We had Mya in a stroller when we went last year, and I bought a Jack plush for her. Later we discovered that Sally had somehow come along for the ride!